
新凤鸣集团股份有限公司融合应用 5G、人工智能、数字孪生、工业互联网和先进制造工艺等技术打造差别化聚酯长丝高效规模化智能制造工厂,解决超 1300 万吨产能和超 500 亿元产值带来的管理问题,同时解决装置分段式运作、数据链不完善、产业链协同管理能力低等问题。已建成:“1(凤平台)+2(双网融合)+4(四链协同)+N(N 家企业输出服务)”智能工厂新模式;产业协同化、产业数字化、管理现代化和数字产业化的智能工厂“四化”运营新样板;5G MEC 云网融合、5G 飘丝巡检机器人等 5G 创新应用;解决方案可复制可推广。
Xinfengming Group has integrated 5G, AI, digital twins, Industrial Internet, advanced manufacturing processes and other technologies in building the efficient large-scale intelligent manufacturing factory of differential polyester filament, solved management problems caused by the production capacity of over 13 million tons and output value of over 50 billion RMB, along with problems like segmented device operation, incomplete data chain and inferior collaborative management capability of the industrial chain. The Group has now established a new “1 (the Feng platform) + 2 (two networks integrated) +4 (four chains collaborated) +N (with services provided to a number of enterprises)” model of intelligent factory; a brand-new paragon for the operation of intelligent factories featuring industrial collaboration, industrial digitalization, modernized management and digital industrialization; innovative 5G applications such as 5G MEC cloud-network integration and 5G floating filament patrol robot; and, solutions that can be further repeated and promoted.
智能制造 , 工业互联网平台,5G 技术 , 未来工厂
Intelligent Manufacturing, Industrial Internet Platform, 5G Technology, Future Factory