山东大学开发“五官一脑”盾构智能装备,包括“火眼金睛”— 超前地质预报系统,实现盾构前方近百米范围内溶洞、破碎带、地下水等地质有效探测;“听波聪耳”— 地层界面识别系统实现开挖面复合地层特征感知;“超级巧鼻”— 气体环境监测系统,实现近 20 种气体环境参数在线识别预警;“钢牙神经”— 滚刀磨损监测系统实现重点部位滚刀磨损实时监测;“号脉灵手”— 同步注浆检测系统,实现管片壁后同步注浆质量逐环检测;“人工智脑”—辅助决策支撑系统通过动态风险评价辅助支撑盾构掘进主动决策,控险减灾,目前已应用于穿城、过江河、越海等地下隧道施工工程。
SDU has developed the High-end Intelligent Shield Equipped With "Five Senses and One Brain", which includes the following advanced systems: "Fire Eyes" – The advanced geological forecasting system enables
effective detection of geological features such as caverns, fault zones, and groundwater within a range of nearly 100 meters ahead of the shield tunnel; "Sensitive Ears" –The interface identification system enables the detection of complex stratum characteristics at the excavation face; "Super Smart Nose" – The gas environment monitoring system enables real-time identification and early warning of nearly 20 different gas parameters in the surrounding environment; "Steel Nerves" – The tool wear monitoring system provides real-time monitoring of wear on key cutterhead components; "Sensitive Pulse Detecting Hand" – The grouting detection system enables per-ring quality monitoring of the grouting behind the segment lining; and, "Artificial Brain" – The auxiliary decision support system assists in proactive decision-making during shield tunneling by providing dynamic risk assessment to control hazards and mitigate disasters. At present, it has been applied in underground tunnel construction projects such as crossing cities, rivers, and seas.