
蒸压加气混凝土(Autoclaved Aerated Concrete,AAC)行业数字化制造解决方案融合日本三菱电机e-F@ctory智能制造理念与家气人(杭州)互联网科技有限公司的互联网技术,提出涵盖供应链和工程链的数字孪生、工艺模型分析,在流程制造过程中进行探索尝试,如:对工艺配比最优算法、数字化生产管理、绿色能源管理、供应链数字化协同等场景输出大数据模型。通过数字孪生技术、工艺建模分析、IoT 大数据,提升 AAC 行业的生产效率、成本管控、绿色节能,为行业发展储备数字化人才、积累数字化管理经验、提升企业 ESG 管理水平,为AAC 行业绿色发展开拓思路。
The digital manufacturing solution for the Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) industry integrates Mitsubishi Electric Automation's e-F@ctory smart manufacturing concept with the internet technology of AAC People. The solution proposes the implementation of digital twin technology and process model analysis,covering both the supply chain and engineering chain, and explores various approaches in process manufacturing. For instance, generating big data models for scenarios such as optimizing the process mix algorithm, digital production management, green energy management, and digital supply chain collaboration. Leveraging digitaltwin technology, process modeling and analysis, and IoT big data, the solution enhances production efficiency, cost control, and green energy savings in the AAC industry. It will also help cultivate digital talent, accumulate digital management experience, and improve corporate ESG management practices, thereby paving the way for the sustainable and green development of the AAC industry.
Digital Twins; Process Modeling; Big Data Algorithms

Mitsubishi Electric Automation (China) Co., Ltd
Jiaqiren (Hangzhou) Internet Technology Co., Ltd