SMC 自主研发先进排程系统 (APS),构建高精度气缸加工与装配车间交货期管理体系,有效提升响应速度和交货期满足率。设计开发设备三色灯数据采集盒,通过无线网络实现设备稼动状态的实时采集,利用 IoT 平台进行数据的高并发和实时存储,实现多端的稼动率可视化监控,提升关键设备的稼动率。质量控制环节中引入机器视觉技术,提高检验的准确度和效率。同时,SMC 高精度气缸加工车间注重绿色工厂建设,通过能源监控和环保监测平台,优化能效比,确保生产活动环保合规。项目在多工艺应用场景中的效果为制造业的智能化绿色化发展提供了技术示范。
SMC China has independently developed an advanced planning and scheduling (APS) system to establish a high-precision delivery management system for cylinder processing and assembly workshops, effectively improving response time and on-time delivery rate. The company has designed and developed a three-color indicator data collection box, and realized real-time monitoring of equipment operating status via wireless network. Based on an IoT platform, the system supports high-concurrency data processing and real-time storage, enabling multi-end visualization and monitoring of equipment utilization rates, thereby enhancing the operational efficiency of key equipment. Machine vision technology has been introduced into the quality control process to enhance inspection accuracy and efficiency. Meanwhile, SMC high-precision cylinder processing workshop focuses on the construction of a green factory. Through energy monitoring and environmental protection platforms, it optimizes energy efficiency ratios and ensures that production activities are environmentally compliant. The project's performance across various applications serves as a technological demonstration for the intelligent and sustainable development of the manufacturing industry.