哈尔滨工业大学开展原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscope,AFM)微纳操作机器人关键技术与系统研究,开发机器人创新构型设计、高性能驱动、多参数感知与三维纳米操作等技术,成功研制双探针 AFM 微纳操作机器人系统。该系统在国内外多家高校研究所、企业应用,应用范围涉及半导体检测与修复、微纳器件检测、细胞 / 亚细胞操控、柔性脑机接口植入等前沿领域,应用领域辐射到生物医学、脑科学、半导体等行业,为我国微纳制造、精准医疗等提供技术与装备支持。
HIT has conducted research on key technologies and systems for micro- and nanomanipulation robots based on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), developed technologies including innovative robotic configuration design, high-performance actuation, multi-parameter sensing, and 3D nanomanipulation, and successfully created the dual-probe AFM-based micro- and nanomanipulation robot system. The system has been widely
applied in numerous universities, research institutes, and enterprises both domestically and internationally. Its
application areas include advanced fields such as semiconductor inspection and repair, micro-nano device testing, cellular and subcellular manipulation, and flexible brain-computer interface implantation. Moreover, its impact extends to biomedical sciences, brain science, the semiconductor industry, etc., providing critical technological and equipment support for China’s advancements in micro-nano manufacturing and precision medicine.